Here are three new original songs that I have made. The first one which is called “but I’m happy now”, I made by using my own lyrics and adding it to music that I found on a YouTube channel called “unfinishedsongs”. It’s a channel that makes a random beat with guitar, drums, piano and more and you can put your own lyrics to it. The second one “Your psycho” I made by using a free rap beat from a channel call “AngelLaCiencia Beats”. It’s a channel that just like “unfinishedsongs”, makes random beats but it’s for rap. This one is really…I should say, weirder than the others. I decided to add opera in the middle of the song, witch made it weirder, but kind of cool. The third one “Power”, I made by using a beat from “MTC Beatz”. That do the same as “AngelLaCiencia Beats”. “But I’m happy now” is a very casual chill song, which has a very good meaning. It’s about: things might not have been great and they probably won’t be super good in the future, but you’re happy no, so don’t waste that moment. The others don’t really have a super powerful meaning, I just did a freestyle rap, and I was just in a “let’s be crazy and make weird songs” mood. I basically just pressed record, and started rapping to a funky beat, which didn’t turn out to shabby. I have written many lyrics but never added music properly, and since I was in this weird mood, I wanted to do something on the spot, that’s why I made three songs at the same time.
I hope you enjoyed listening to them, and please, like I always say, give feedback, it always helps me develop, and I also just like to hear what other people think. I’m becomes sick, or my throat is a bit sore and my nose is a little clogged up so that’s why I’m not singing the best. You might hear at the end of “But I’m happy now” the high note is slightly of, so you know why. I just wanted to post it because, well I just wanted to. Hope it’s not to awkward.
ElkyDamoose says:
10 October 2020 — 13:47
Linda Heintz says:
Wow! So nice to hear the different styles. Only the sky is the limit for you. Go , do , sing, create. Let no one tell you that you can’t.. ❤❤
6 October 2020 — 18:26
Tom Jonasson says:
Skön blandning utav stilar, du har en väldigt fin och karaktäristisk röst. Det är en skön röst att lyssna på, samtidigt som du har attityd i den.
Wow,,, du har så mycket talang. Fortsätt skapa med din röst, din pensel, din penna.
Världen behöver dig ?
6 October 2020 — 18:12
Fredrik Widman says:
Absolutely phenomenal! Very creative and you have a really great voice. More please!
5 October 2020 — 02:27
Equate says:
Thanks. I realised this morning what I hade created. But I guess that weird is part of life. I’m really grateful for your support!
5 October 2020 — 07:54
Fauve says:
Your so creative and have a real talent for writing lyrics! I really love “Your psycho” and the way you used your opera in the middle, that was great! Your voice is such a gift!
4 October 2020 — 22:44
Forza says:
Wonderful! Great to hear different styles. Really impressive that you came up with the lyrics as you were singing them!
4 October 2020 — 22:38